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Resources updated Tuesday, July 17, 2018

July 17, 2018

Kites used by Palestinians in Gaza to launch incendiary devices into Israel (File photo)

"A Molotov cocktail landed Tuesday afternoon at a kindergarten in the Sdot Negev Regional Council, while the children were present. Miraculously, there were no casualties.

This is the tenth firebomb that has hit the Gaza envelope communities since Tuesday morning. In additon, two Molotov cocktails landed in a school in the Eshkol Regional Council morning. Educational staff were present during the attacks, but no children were at the school then.

Earlier, an IAF aircraft fired at a squad that had launched Molotov cocktails from the northern Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. Despite the attack, the firefighting and rescue service said that so far the firefighters had been operating to put out nine fires in the Gaza envelope area, which erupted as a result of incendiary balloons. Firefighting forces brought all nine fires under control.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu held an assessment of the IDF Gaza Division Tuesday. The assessment was joined by Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman, IDF Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot, ISA Director Nadav Argaman, National Security Council Director Meir Ben Shabat and other senior officials in the defense establishment.

'Today is the fourth anniversary of the fall of Hadar Goldin. We are committed to bringing him and Oron Shaul and our two citizens back to the State of Israel,' said Netanyahu.' Yesterday I visited Sderot and saw the steel wall of their civilians' determination. Today I visit the IDF here, together with the defense minister and the chief of staff, and I see the steel wall of our army.'"

Firebomb Strikes Israeli Kindergarten Near Gaza Border Document

A tractor drives in a smoking field in Israel where Palestinians have been causing blazes by flying incendiary kites and balloons, June 5, 2018

200 Rockets and Mortars Fired on Israel in One Day-Where Is the Outrage? Article